Private Pay or Insurance- Copays are due at time of service. Cash or checks are preferred but credit is accepted.
Insurance Contracts:
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Cigna Tricare/Triwest Veterans Choice
Services provided include individual, couple or family counseling or a combination- each client works with Amy to determine which type of sessions are most appropriate for their individual goals. Sessions are 50 minutes long and are usually scheduled every 2-3 weeks giving clients time to work on new ideas in between sessions. Daytime and evening appointments and occasional Saturdays available.
Amy absolutely believes in the power of teamwork in therapy, meaning the clients and Amy both bring their own expertise and experience to the sessions. Amy will utilize her training and experience in this field to help each client identify for themselves the problems to be addressed and which strategies to try. Many times sessions include brainstorming ideas for change and fine tuning techniques to try outside of session.
Therapy is hard work and the changes that happen in between session can also be hard work but this work can pay off to bring rewarding growth and improved relationships. Amy will guide her clients all along the way, cheering them on when the work is hard and celebrating with them when achievements occur. The process can be fun and fulfilling for all! In times of crisis great change can occur that might bring about success and happiness in the long run.